Allied Group’s Mission Statement
To deliver services and programs that inform, educate and add value while embracing diversity and innovation.
- Commit with heart and mind.
- Exhibit dedication, energy and enthusiasm.
- Be positive in all we do.
- Be polite.
- Be kind and practice tolerance.
- Have regard for the feelings, wishes & rights of others.
- Engage and actively participate in all roles and activities.
- Demonstrate generosity of spirit.
- Promote pride in self, work and community.
- Continue self-growth through education.
- Keeping up with trends and actively seeking new information.
- Being responsive and open to new ideas.
- Be honest.
- Adhere to moral & ethical principles.
- Lead by example and be proud of your contribution.
- Say what we mean and do what we say.
- Work together as a team to achieve the common goals within the workplace.
- Accept and appreciate the diversity of each person and his or her contribution.

CEO Ekinci is the CEO of Allied Risk Solutions and started his career as a NSW Police officer working with the Corporate Affairs Commission and Fraud Squad before taking on Operational and Training roles with the Tactical Response Group. Sam has been involved in Security Management, Risk Assessment and Investigations field for twenty years and has managed security operations for many national and international firms and coordinated key and Major events. Having trained NSW Police in crowd control techniques, similar strategies were implemented for Crowd control and management in Licenced premises and for sporting and motoring events with crowds in excess of 100,000. He has a wealth of experience in the industry and is involved in a number of professional organisations to provide constant improvement in the industry. Sam’s commitment to service excellence as a security consultant, trainer and public speaker is consistent with his active support for his philanthropy through Opportunity International and other local charities.

Risk Management Specialist Clive Smallman is presently Dean of the Higher Education Leadership Institute (HELI) an independent higher education provider. Clive is contracted to work at HELI at 0.5FTE. Prior to his professorial appointment at HELI, Clive was President (CEO), Asia Pacific International College, and before that Assistant Vice Chancellor, Dean and Professor of Management at Western Sydney University Business School. Previously he was Professor of Business Management at Lincoln University, New Zealand, Senior Research Associate, the Judge Business School and Isaac Newton Trust Teaching Fellow, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge, UK, and Lecturer in Business Process Management, Bradford University School of Management, UK. Clive has taught risk and crisis management since 1993. His PhD is in operational risk management. Professor Smallman’s professed expertise is in risk management, to which he adds 15 years’ experience of higher education leadership and management.

Security Risk Specialist Security Risk Assessment will be led by Mr Craig Sheridan APM, who is a retired Superintendent of the NSW Police Force, with over thirty years of Policing, Leadership and Management experience. Craig was head of the Major Events & Incidents Group, State Planning Unit NSW Police Force. Amongst other achievements, Superintendent Sheridan APM was charged with the responsibility of: Analyzing & standardizing planning systems for major events Ensuring consistent quality of planning/risk/security across national events Designing response to both planned and spontaneous incidents. Member of Counter Terrorism Response “Strike Force Eagle” Craig has vast experience in directing, producing and executing security risk and threat management planning across BAU business sites and major events both during his time as Commander of the NSW Police Force State Planning Unit. Some of Craig's experience includes: 2020, 2019: G20 2020 Riyadh Saudi Arabia Operations Senior Advisor to the G20 Secretariat 2020: Misk City Saudi Arabia Security Advisor to Misk Organisation 2020, 2019: 36th Americas Cup, Auckland New Zealand Head Security Advisor – City Readiness C3 and Security Review 2021,2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016: Destination NSW Vivid Festival Lead Security and Risk Advisor, Hostile Vehicle Management And Target Hardening Implementation. 2020, 2019, 2018: Salesforce World Tour Sydney Lead Security Risk Advisor and Event Security Management 2019: Aseer Province, Saudi Arabia, Abha National Day Celebration Master Planner – Development of C4 and JOC build delivery of Military Parade and 89th Saudi Arabian National Day Celebrations in Abha City. 2021, 2020, 2019 - Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Lead Security and Risk Advisor, Hostile Vehicle Management And Target Hardening Implementation. 2019, 2018: New Years Eve Sydney Security Risk Advisor, Target Hardening Strategy and Tabletop Exercises Facilitator 2019: GEO 2019 Plenary and Ministerial Summit Lead Security Advisor and Security Operations Manager 2019: TEG Live USA Basketball Tour Lead Security Risk Advisor and Head of Security 2019, 2018,2017: Supercars Australia Lead Security and Risk Advisor 2019: Bayside Council Lead Security and Risk Advisor 2019: Spotless, Downer Group Strategic Security and Risk Consultant, 2019, 2018: AFL Emergency Management, Security and Risk Services Grand Final Events Security Advisor 2018, 2019 : Lead Risk & Security Advisor Barangaroo Delivery Authority Group Security Director – Development of Security Crowd strategy and plan for Commonwealth Games Gold Coast 2018. 2018: World Congress of Accountants Lead Security Risk Advisor – Development and implementation of Security Strategy 2018: Wheelchair World Rugby Championships Organising Committee – Head of Security and Risk (arrival airport, venues at Sydney Olympic Park, Hotels, Transport) 2018: Invictus Games, Sydney Security Risk Advisor – Security Strategy and Policy 2017: Rugby League World Cup - Head of Security 2017,2018 Lead Security, Risk and Emergency Management Advisor, Place Management Property NSW (Darling Harbour, The Rocks and Circular Quay precincts) BAU and major events 2017, 2018, 2019 completed Security planning for various major events and organisations including; Sail GP, Royal Botanical Gardens NYE and Vivid, City Of Sydney, City of Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park Authority for Major Event planning, Australian Catholic Youth Festival, Department of Premier and Cabinet (advisor on Security and NYE Integrated Crowd Management 2016, 2017), Newcastle Council, Bayside Council, City of Perth, City of South Perth, City of Armadale, Sutherland Shire Council, City of Canterbury Bankstown, Sydney Cricket Craig has “Top Secret” ASIO clearance and has a network of relationships and colleagues in both the public and private sector to consult with in relation to local and national security threat.

Educator and Consultant over 30 years experience with TAFE & previous roles in the T & H industry Christine is recognised as one of Australia’s leading educators in the Hospitality, Food & Tourism sectors. Her contribution both nationally and internationally to vocational education has been rewarded with the NSW Government Ministers Award for Excellence in Teaching and Outstanding Contribution to the Profession of Teaching. Tourism Training Australia has also recognised Christine with a prestigious National Training Legends Award and she has led her team in winning the highly coveted national award for Quality Training and Business Relationships. Christine has extensive experience with many large corporations and training institutes across Australia and Internationally including the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Canada, Hong Kong, France and Thailand in Vocational Education, Training and Assessment. Her wide and detailed knowledge of the industry and its needs ensures our clients of appropriate and effective results. Christine's qualifications include: Masters in Business Administration majoring in Human Resources and Leadership Bachelor of Vocational Education & Training Diploma of Education Diploma of Hospitality Diploma in Training and Assessment Certificate IV in Training and Assessment Christine is also a qualified chef.

Training Educator and Consultant has worked in the hospitality industry for over 36 years in many roles including Restaurant Manager, Food & Beverage Manager, Events & Conference Manager and Hospitality Industry Consultant. Ellie has also owned and operated her own successful restaurant, nightclub and Registered Training Organisation businesses. For over 20 years Ellie has worked in the Vocational Education & Training industry in a variety of roles including Training & Assessment, Curriculum Development , Business Development, & National/International Training & Business Consulting. Ellie is recognised as a leader in her field of expertise and was chosen to develop the Resources & Assessments component for the TAFE NSW Tourism & Hospitality Training Package. She was the hospitality specialist for TAFE NSW in the development and delivery of staff training for the Sydney Olympic Games and was awarded the TAFE NSW Achievement award for dedication, professionalism and outstanding contribution to staff training for the Sydney 2000 Olympic & Paralympic Games. Ellie excels in the development of customised training and assessment programs for large organisations, aligning their training and development needs with the organisations' values, culture and future business directions. Ellie's qualifications include: Bachelor of Vocational Education & Training Certificate IV in Training & Assessment Diploma of Business Certificate IV in Small Business Management Diploma in Hospitality

Security Trainer and Consultant is a former NSW Police officer with 12 years plain clothes and policing experience. In the past 20 years Wayne has worked as a senior executive in the security field with Centennial Park & Moore Park Trust, Zoological Parks Board of NSW and P & O Shipping. In 1994, Wayne established a sound practice in Security training and Consulting, conducting security Audits, Risk Assessments and consulting in the management of criminal investigations for various national and international companies. Wayne’s proactive approach to security management has earned him a distinguished reputation as a trouble shooter and his industry background in the various security training methodologies has made him an integral part of the Allied team. Wayne is an experienced consultant, trainer and assessor with specific expertise in Armed Holdup training, Confrontation Management, Crime Prevention and Security practices and procedures. Wayne holds a Certificate IV in Security and Risk Management and Certificate IV in Training and Assessment qualifications and holds a NSW Security licence 1ABC, 2ABCD No: 407317958.

Traffic and Transport Planner Hind is an experienced traffic and transport planner who has gained experience across various projects, positions, and organisations over thirty years. Ken is experienced in project management, people management of professional / technical staff, advisory and operational roles, technical assessment, stakeholder consultation, presentations to the community and clients, and planning for public transport. He has excellent skills in identifying and developing solutions to issues related to traffic engineering and transport planning. He has undertaken work over the last five years as a Traffic Advisor for Sydney Metro, involved in traffic and transport tasks across Sydney Metro Northwest, City & Southwest and Metro West. His experience across these projects includes developing technical reports for EIS submission, assessing traffic impacts, parking management scheme development, and identifying required measures to manage and mitigate traffic impacts. His skill-set also includes developing technical documents such as the Construction Traffic Management Framework (CTMF) documents for City & Southwest and Metro West/Western Sydney Airport and technical notes for proposed intersection works. He has also supported and operated as a secretariat for TCG and TTLG meetings. This work has included the application of Australian Standards, Austroads Guidelines and TfNSW Technical Directions. His past experience has been gathered from working as a traffic engineer and transport planner in local government, assessing local area traffic management schemes, planning the road and transport network for a major new residential release area in the north-west of Sydney, and investigating reporting on traffic management matters. As a consultant, Ken has been involved in traffic management and traffic impact assessments for new developments and the planning for improved bus priority in Sydney, Wollongong and Canberra. He has also undertaken contract work for Roads and Maritime Services (then RTA) on road safety investigations, providing traffic management services representing the RTA on many local traffic committees, and traffic management assessments regarding the impacts of new developments. His experience has also included bus planning and operations while working as the Business Development Manager and General Manager for a major Sydney private bus operator. Ken’s consultancy areas include public transport planning (bus operations, bus priority measures assessment, interchange assessments), traffic impact assessments, technical team leadership, staff mentoring, and project management, including forward planning for projects. He has also undertaken numerous types of consultation, including presentations to technical forums, community groups, internal and external stakeholders and direct consultation with key stakeholders.

Human Resource Consultant is a recognised Human Resource Manager within the Club Industry with over twenty-one years’ experience and formed part of the Executive Management Team at Campbelltown Catholic Club. Campbelltown Catholic Club is a premier entertainment and leisure destination in South Western Sydney. This multi award winning Club has diverse businesses delivering services to its 57,000 members in gaming, food & beverage, fitness & leisure, hotel accommodation, conferencing, exhibitions, golf and entertainment. As their first HR Manager, Jill has been instrumental in building outstanding workplace systems and practices, influential in designing organisational culture and vision and strategically involved the Enterprise Bargaining Agreements since 2010. As a qualified trainer Jill has structured and delivered training programs around leadership, personal development and WHS for its 400 staff. Jill was instrumental in the initiation and delivery of the White Ribbon Workplace Accreditation process and submission, which led to the Club receiving accreditation in 2018. The White Ribbon Workplace brand is highly regarded within industry and community and Campbelltown Catholic Club was the first to obtain it in the South West Region. Jill is also recognised by peers and industry leaders with articles of acknowledgement in ClubLife magazine and she was on the HR Advisory panel to Clubs NSW. Her community work is unfailing for those in need, Jill co-ordinated a fundraising project for the Intellectually/Physically Disabled children of Macarthur and raised $750,000 to build them a Hydrotherapy Pool. She has been acknowledged over the years and continues supporting women experiencing Domestic Violence. Winner of Rotary Pride of Workmanship Award 1997 (Community) Community Service Award (1997) Minister of Education Award for Excellence to Public Education (1998) Winner of the Australian Human Resource Industry Prize for Excellence (2002) Winner of Rotary Pride of Workmanship Award 2003 (Hospitality) Nominee Telstra Business Women of the Year 2004 Articles of acknowledgement for achievement in Human Resource Management “Ignite Your Potential” Book by M. Pascoe & Clubs NSW Magazine April 2009 Edition. Article of acknowledgement for achievement in Club Industry – Clublife Magazine 2010 Jill has a Masters Business Administration, Masters of Strategic Human Resource Management and Graduate Diploma of Counselling and currently studying Masters of Counselling and Applied Psychotherapy. Her philosophies are, “never give up on your goals and if you enjoy what you do, you never work a day in your life”.

Hospitality Industry Specialist former Clubs NSW – L & D Manager coordinating industry training requirements for 8.5 years. Ron is truly a hospitality industry specialist. Ron consults to Clubs and Pubs on operations, marketing and governance to ensure optimal operation and compliance. Ron's expertise is also in guiding you to achieve optimum outcomes of profitability and sustainability. Ron has a Cert IV TAA 40116, Grad Dip Mktg, Dip App Sci (Agric) and GAICD (Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors) Business ranging from small, through medium, to large organisations have benefited from Ron's skill at analyzing marketplace opportunities, devising strategic marketing plans and implementing customer focused action plans. Ron is part of the support services for Allied Risk Solutions and Allied Training. Ron can assist with: Business Development Governance Management Mentoring Strategy Training

Solicitor - I.R. Advocate has over 21 years experience in managing employees, representing employers, advising on issues relating to employment law and partnering with clients to assist them in meeting the demands that accompany 'staff employment.' Kristen has worked closely with a number of companies across a broad range of market sectors including: Registered Clubs Hotels and Restaurants Manufacturing Church Organisations Transport Retail Aged Care and Private Nursing Homes Kristen’s Qualifications Kristen was admitted to the Supreme Court of NSW as a solicitor in 2005. Kristen is currently studying for her Masters in Employment Relations and Law at Sydney University and a Masters in Applied Family Law at College of Law. Prior to this she has completed the following: Diploma in Practical Legal Training at the College of Law in 2004 Bachelor of Laws as Macquarie University in 2003 Bachelor of Business majoring in Human Resources and Industrial Relations at CSU in 1997 Kristen has also completed her certificate IV in Workplace Training and the Certificate IV in Workplace Safety which enabled her to obtain accreditation in 2002 from Work Cover to train the OH & S Consultation Course. Kristen is also a Work Cover accredited Return to Work Co-ordinator, and an accredited trainer for various training organisations, and recently been certified as a Conference Convener with the Department of Juvenile Justice.

Security Professional is a Security professional with more than thirty years experience in both physical and electronic security servicing the commercial, government and industrial sectors and providing access control, CCTV, duress and perimeter protection systems. These sites include Downing St, London UK, major shopping centres, prisons, hospitals, psychiatric units, sewage treatment plants, banks and factories. Martin has over 20 years experience in dealing across hierarchical levels in senior project management roles in the UK and in Australia, including the sale and installation of the Downing Street gates and bollard defences. Martins Extensive project management experience for the government and private sector includes: On site management Account management Contractor and client liaison Project planning and scoping, budgeting, cost control and risk assessments Project reporting to stakeholder base Conformance to relevant building and security regulations and best practice Preparation of risk management plans to AS 4360 (using Risk matrix software from The Mitre Corporation) Building and maintaining strategic relationships with relevant stakeholders The analysis and interpretation of a wide range of security products and software with a view to creating appropriate integrated solutions tailored to the client(s) needs Preparation and / or creation of tender documents and assessment of tenders Security Consultant with CPP accreditation, Martin holds a bachelor degree in Maths as well as Certificate IV in Security and Risk Management and is keen to assist you with your intergrated security solutions.

Expert Witness and Consultant and facilitator of field based Crime Scene examination principles, fingerprint analysis and identification. Russell is a former police officer with the New South Wales Police Force with twenty two years service specialising as a forensic practitioner, fingerprint expert, preparing and delivering evidence for Local, District and Supreme Court matters. Russell has been involved in training NSW police officers and military investigators; with a focus towards the detection of fingerprints, collection of biological and other trace evidence including crime scene awareness. This includes legal awareness and the preparation and delivery of findings in judicial hearings. Since 2005 Russell has been a full time lecturer and project coordinator for a National Educational provider both in higher education and vocational studies in the following areas of forensic investigation training: Fingerprint Analysis and Identification The detection and collection of biological evidence Principles of forensic science and investigation Principles of Crime Scene Investigation Russell’s involvement in international training programs includes: Crime Scene Examination Courses with the Iraq Police Service from 2009 to 2011 Advanced Fingerprint Identification Training with the Iraq Police Service, 2009 to 2011 Advanced Fingerprint Identification Training with the Papua New Guinea Police Service, Solomon Islands and Tonga Police Service 2010 and ongoing Ongoing certification of Crime Scene Examination programs within the United Arab Emirates Russell still maintains close affiliation with law enforcement agencies including membership with relevant national and international forensic bodies such as the Australia New Zealand Forensic Science Society (ANZFSS) and the International Association for Identification (IAI). Russell practices as a consulting fingerprint expert for both civil and criminal matters. He has a number of publications to his credit covering specialist and general aspects of applied identification science, analysis and identification together with introductory guidebooks on forensic and crime scene investigation. Qualifications: Australian Certificate of Expertise in the Science of Fingerprints 1999 Certificate IV in Assessment & Workplace Training (Categories 1 & 2 – Workplace Assessment & Training Small Groups) 2000 Professional Memberships and Associations: Australia New Zealand Forensic Science Society (ANZFSS) member International Association of Identification (IAI) member

Expert Witness and Consultant Position: Lecturer and facilitator of forensic field based Crime Scene examination disciplines. Qualifications: Diploma of Applied Science (Forensic Investigations) - Canberra Institute of Technology 1997 Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training – Canberra Institute of Technology 2009 Graduate Diploma of Legal Studies - University of Canberra 2010 Various qualifications in forensic disciplines including: Post Blast Examination Bloodstain Interpretation Footwear Comparison Crime Scene Management Fire Investigation Industry experience A 21 year veteran of the New South Wales Police Force having spent 16 of those years within operational crime scene sections where he was responsible for the forensic investigation of major crimes and serious occurrences. His involvement in these matters ranged from the initial attendance and subsequent management of the incident, to the preparation and presentation of evidence to various Courts. Since 2008 Greg has been responsible for the delivery of forensic disciplines to students within both the Higher Education and the Vocational areas of education. The vocational training in particular enables Greg to maintain ongoing industry relationships which assists in keeping abreast of relevant changes and advancements in techniques associated with Crime Scene Investigation within Australia. Greg has delivered training to Australian Government Agencies and to various overseas agencies. His involvement in international training programs includes: Crime Scene Examination Courses to the Iraq Police Service from 2009 to 2011 Fire Scene Examination to Royal Thai Police Ongoing certification of Crime Scene Examination programs within the United Arab Emirates Assistance with training programs throughout the Pacific region Greg's keen interest in the legal aspects of Forensic Evidence has developed from his experiences during his policing career and through his current studies in law. Current Studies Masters Degree in Juris Doctor – University of Canberra (in progress). Professional memberships and associations Australia New Zealand Forensic Science Society (Member)