• Lower your club’s exposure to 3 strike risk by ensuring compliance
  • Save time and minimise operational costs with state of the art online reporting tools
  • Reduce alcohol related incidents through a proven system of incident management

When the licensee is held personally liable for the acts of their employees under current legislation, up skilling your frontline staff and managers to a higher standard to better manage operationally and account administratively becomes a preferred option.

The development of your Management team in areas of law, legislation, compliance, leadership, management, team building, reporting and many more, allows the manager to develop professionally and personally ensuring their decisions are consistent with corporate objectives and legal requirements. The manager’s effectiveness become the vehicle for change to the strategic focus of the organisation, its vision, mission and values and the driver for standards and service expectations.

Improved performance at every level becomes easier to achieve when a culture of quality is established and used as a foundation on which to build.

The following articles provide some guidelines for the reader on the Duty Manager (Risk & Compliance) Training, Coaching and Mentoring program.

For an obligation free review of your security management program please call Sam Ekinci on 02 9635 0477.

Our Duty Manager Training Programs

Training Staff to Navigate Conflict

Article in the Australasian Leisure Management Issue 161, Page 44 Amid regular reports of a rise in aggressive, abusive and angry patrons, Gwen Luscombe talks with Sam Ekinci of Allied Risk Solutions on the increased importance of training staff in incident and confrontation management. From confrontational guests to abusive patrons,…

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St. George Leagues Club

  A Big Boost for Business: How St. George Leagues Club significantly boost revenue and team confidence. For more than 70 years, Sydney’s St. George Leagues Club has been servicing members and visitors at their Kogarah-based venue via a variety of hospitality services including catering outlets, lounge spaces and more.…

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Fraternity Club Management Program

CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT By Ron Browne ‘Building respect with better communication through uniform messaging, has created much better buy-in from staff and led to dramatically improved performance’ Greg Field, General Manager The Fraternity Club ("The Frat" as it is known) at Fairy Meadow NSW has been trading as a community club…

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Standards of Excellence

Workers Lifestyle Group by the very nature of the work Duty Managers perform, it would be easy for them to get caught up in the daily tasks of running a business instead of utilising their resources to manage performance of their staff. As gatekeepers of the “service standards and culture”,…

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Cabra Bowls Leadership Development Program

UNIFORM OUTCOMES ACHIEVED ACROSS THREE VENUES By Ron Browne A shortage in the Customer Service Manager team triggered Cabra Bowls Group to call Sam Ekinci, Allied Risk Solutions lead trainer. Leadership Development, a two year program was developed, that focused on the key areas of compliance, reporting, staff engagement, performance…

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Tradies Management Training & Coaching Program

INDIVIDUAL GROWTH BENEFITS THE CLUB By Ron Browne “Seeing the personal growth in our people with respect to their belief in themselves, really increased their ability to manage the business and the people. They learned how powerfully they could bring the gift of themselves.” Amanda Reynolds-Smith, Head of People &…

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Duty Manager Coaching and Training

Learn the Best Practices in Risk and Compliance Establishing a framework for best practice in Risk and compliance management is not a luxury but a necessity for operational and stakeholder accountability. The impact of the Violent Venues program and the introduction of The Liquor Amendment (3 Strikes) Act 2011 effective…

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Wenty Leagues Duty Manager Training

Aligning strategy and operational efficiency will maximise the performance of your Duty Managers. Every training program must have clear measurable outcomes for the individual and for the organisation. The tangible benefits must be evident so you can measure the return on your investment and mitigate business risks, especially in training,…

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