Motivating Your Audience by Hanoch McCarty

Motivational Speakers

Corporations and associations spend millions each year on professional speakers who can move people from where they are to where they could be.

Through motivational speeches, speakers reinforce audience values by addressing peoples’ emotions.

To persuade, a speaker must also add logic and evidence. Narrative, humor, metaphor, poetry, and even music help speakers achieve their goals.

This book offers a recipe for creating speeches that connect with audiences, motivating and persuading and remain in the audience’s hearts and minds. “Speak to the heart,” says author Hanoch McCarty. “Find what is at the core of your audience’s concerns. Keep your eyes and ears tuned to finding out those central, most important feelings, concerns, issues, or values and speak to them directly. That is the key, the foundation, the secret to the art of motivational speaking.”


This is the recipe for motivational speeches that work!

  • Learn how to uncover, understand, and tap into the motivation already present in an audience
  • Utilize techniques for reminding people of the motivations which brought them to their job or profession
  • Benefit from the audience’s desire for your success and deal with the resisters found in any audience


Hanoch McCarty Ed.D. is co-author of the New York Times Bestseller, “A 4th Course of Chicken Soup for the Soul “and a number of other popular books on kindness, self-esteem, and human behavior.

He served for nearly twenty years as a professor at Cleveland State University in Ohio. He is also a nationally recognized and very popular motivational speaker on employee motivation, maximizing productivity, and on balancing the pressures of worklife and home life.

A long-time member of the National Speakers Association, his presentation, “The Hidden Power of Kindness in the Workplace,” is receiving rave reviews from his clients who include Fortune 500 companies, governmental agencies, school systems, and professional associations all over the U.S. and Canada.


Format: Paperback, 164 pages
Published In: United States, 28 October 1997
Publisher: Allyn & Bacon
Dimensions: 21.39 x 14.0 x 1.17 centimeters (0.22 kg)