The Art of Public Speaking by Stephen Lucas

By far the leading speech textbook of our time, The Art of Public Speaking has defined the art of being the best for more than 10 million students and teachers.

Whether a novice or an experienced speaker, every student will learn how to be a better public speaker through Lucas’ clear explanations of classical and contemporary theory and thorough coverage of practical applications.


This new edition offers a revolutionary digital experience–McGraw-Hill Connect Lucas and Connect Lucas Plus.

The Connect Lucas products allow students and instructors to access all course materials including a complete media and research library, study aids and speech preparation and assessment tools from a single place, With Connect Lucas, students use the traditional printed text. Specially marked icons in the text guide students to the media-rich, interactive features available at

Connect Lucas Plus allows students and instructors to access the fully-integrated, media-rich textbook from As students read the book online, linked icons guide them to embedded media-rich, interactive features such as video clips, full speech videos, Speech Outliner, study questions, Topic Finder, and much more..


Students can upload their speech video assignments directly into Connect Lucas for instructor, self, or peer review and evaluation, and instructors can insert feedback directly into a time-stamped position within the uploaded video and/or select from a list of editable rubrics to evaluate student speech assignments.

Vivid examples and annotated speech samples, including four new sample speeches (two with commentary) in this edition, illustrate the principles of effective public speaking.

New student speech videos, including two additional “Needs Improvement” speeches, are available on the Speeches for Analysis and Discussion DVD for instructors and at

New Introductions, Conclusions, and Visual Aids DVD with audio commentary from Steve Lucas help to highlight key elements and techniques within a speech.


Part One: Speaking and Listening

  • Chapter 1: Speaking in Public
  • Chapter 2: Ethics and Public Speaking
  • Chapter 3: Listening Appendix: Giving Your First Speech
    • Updated and expanded coverage on stage fright included in Chapter 1, including a checklist on speaking with confidence.

Part Two: Speech Preparation: Getting Started

  • Chapter 4: Selecting a Topic and a Purpose
  • Chapter 5: Analyzing the Audience
  • Chapter 6: Gathering Materials
    • Now completely updated and includes new material on evaluating Internet documents, a new table that provides sample bibliography citations for major types of sources (in APA and MLA formats) and new information on search engines.
  • Chapter 7: Supporting Your Ideas
    • New section titled “Citing Sources Orally” in Chapter 7 “Supporting Your Ideas,” helps students to cite print and Internet sources skillfully in their speeches. This text has creative activities, vivid examples, annotated speech samples, and a foundation of classic and contemporary rhetoric.

Part Three: Speech Preparation: Organizing & Outlining

  • Chapter 8: Organizing the Body of the Speech
  • Chapter 9: Beginning and Ending the Speech
  • Chapter 10: Outlining the Speech

Part Four: Presenting the Speech

  • Chapter 11: Using Language
  • Chapter 12: Delivery
  • Chapter 13: Visual Aids Appendix: Using PowerPoint – now completely updated!

Part Five: Varieties of Public Speaking

  • Chapter 14: Speaking to Inform
  • Chapter 15: Speaking to Persuade
  • Chapter 16: Methods of Persuasion
  • Chapter 17: Speaking on Special Occasions
  • Chapter 18: Speaking in Small Groups

Appendix: Speeches for Analysis and Discussion

Exercises for Critical Thinking activities at the end of each chapter have been completely revised.


Stephen E. Lucas is Professor of Communication Arts at the University of Wisconsin where he has coordinated the introductory public speaking course for almost 25 years. He has received numerous teaching awards, including the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and is the author of several books, including “Portents of Rebellion” which was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. Professor Lucas lives in Madison, Wisconsin with his wife and two sons.


Format: Paperback, 480 pages, 10th Revised edition Edition
Published In: United States, 01 December 2008
Publisher: McGraw Hill Higher Education
Dimensions: 25.0 x 203.0 x 1.0 centimeters (0.83 kg)