Duty Manager Training
Lower your club’s exposure to 3 strike risk by ensuring compliance Save time and minimise operational costs with state of the art online reporting tools…
Establishing a framework for best practice in Risk and compliance management is not a luxury
but a necessity for operational and stakeholder accountability.
The impact of the Violent Venues program and the introduction of The Liquor Amendment (3 Strikes) Act 2011 effective from 1 January 2012. There is a clear opportunity for licenced venues to take a stock of their business practices and review their Strategic and Operational frameworks to identify and limit risk.
A sound Risk Management program for the Hospitality Industry does exist, and fills the void and gaps relating to risk, compliance, operations, training, management and reporting especially where it involves alcohol-related incidents. The system also provides for a greater integration of services between departments.
We have achieved outstanding performance using industry specific knowledge and providing forward looking tools, making the decision process both tangible and actionable. The training identifies and seeks to remove internal interferences, allowing the manager to effectively focus on the critical components of decision-making, ensuring a greater level of commitment, focus, clarity and direction is achieved.
Michael Lavorato was the first CEO (Campbelltown Catholic Club) to be charged under the new Liquor Laws and received considerable attention from regulatory authorities as the NSW Government pushed to reduce Alcohol Related Incidents. The information contained hereunder is part of the system that was established at the Campbelltown Catholic Club which Magistrate Pearce found in favour of Mr Lavorato and Campbelltown Catholic Club stating, “considerable amount of evidence of the procedures that have been adopted as well as the training of staff and managers”….”the club had taken all reasonable steps”.
The NSW Government focus on Risk and Compliance in the hospitality industry is further shifting the process of accountability squarely on the shoulders of the Licensee and Club Boards. Simply the licensee is now liable for the acts of his / her employees.
The Duty Manager training is industry specific with a comprehensive process of accountability, training and reporting that addresses inefficiencies and better manages your compliance in keeping with the new legislation.
The training program can return considerable dividends to clubs in the upskilling of their managers and in their ability to better manage operationally.
“Coaching & Mentoring for individual managers” & Reviewing of weekly Reports of Incidents.
The Duty Manager’s understanding of their legal, operational and administrative responsibilities can change through the training process, but it is during the review sessions that the real learning begins.
The Duty Manager is trained to present their reports in a sequential, factual and analytical manner. The review process involves ongoing coaching where:
Through the coaching process the manager is better able to communicate, manage, coordinate and delegate when dealing with incidents – particularly incidents that are likely to become a matter of a complaint or lead to civil or criminal liability
These processes are required for operational efficiency, which ultimately becomes the benchmark for the manager’s performance and incident review capability.
A sound and proven Risk and Compliance Management program for the Hospitality Industry does exist, and fills the void and gaps relating to risk, compliance, training, management and reporting especially where it involves alcohol-related incidents allowing the manager to effectively focus on the critical components of decision-making, ensuring a greater level of commitment, focus, clarity and direction.
The video testimonials included here are reflective of the benefits of this program currently enjoyed by some of our clients.
The Risk & Compliance Management Program is a precursor to this training course. It is used in preparation for the staff training component, by reviewing localisation requirements for the specific venue. It is industry specific with a comprehensive process of accountability, training and reporting that addresses inefficiencies and better manages compliance in keeping with new legislative requirements.
Each business unit within the club maintains accountability. Customer and Incident Management is no different. Risk and Compliance now has a clear focus with considerable consequences for the licensees. A clear business strategy and an implementation plan is required to manage your Risk and Compliance obligations consistent with best practice principles and for operational and administrative accountability. As the licensee is now liable for the acts of employees, your front-line staff become your greatest asset and liabilities depending on their skill, understanding and management of incidents, especially prescribed offences covered by the act.
For more information on our Duty Manager Training Program (Risk & Compliance) services contact us via: